The Annual Recap and Summary -- 2015

December 31st! Time for another annual summary and recap of the past year, 2015.

Monthly Scribbles from using PmWiki:

Blue moon low in the sky (7/31/2015)

Books read this year: 150 (tracked by Shelfari ), started the year with a goal of 150!

Golden May sunset (5/28/2015)

Web Tools Stats:
Wiki pages at 468 (31 new in 2015), 101,000 page views in 2015
Posts on this blog = 1
Twitter account at 161 posts (1 in 2015)
Delicious bookmarks at 783 (none since 2012; surprised it still exists)
Evernote notes at 1,904 (116 in 2015)
Flickr photos (340 total photos, 208 added in 2015.  213 favorites.  37 followers.  Following 59.  Following 73 groups. )
Tumblr (89 total posts, 12 new in 2015.  Liked 82 (3 new in 2015) posts.  5 followers.  Following 21 blogs.)
Pinterest (28 total pins on 11 boards, 6 new pins in 2015.  21 followers.  Following 11.)
Instagram  - (195 total, 52 in 2015, 81 followers, following 82,  1,632 likes, 158 comments.  Likes = 295)

Some Highlights:
  • Jan / Feb / Mar:  Intern at HCA
ice storms in Tennessee!

Heron on a log at sunset (8/14/2015)

  • Sept:  Beta Alpha Psi BBQ; Kayak trip to Rock Island State Park
  • Oct:  New York trip ... flight cancelled
Hanging by a thread (Fall 2015)

  • Nov:  Chicago, IL:  AICPA CPA Exam Content subcommittee
  • Dec:   kayak on Christmas Eve

Orange headed sunflower in the late afternoon sunlight (8/1/2015)

And that's a wrap on 2015.