The Annual Recap and Summary -- 2013

Monthly Notes from using PmWiki:
Books read this year: 141 (tracked by Shelfari )

Web Tools Stats:
Wiki pages at 414 (15 new in 2013), 56,000 page views in 2013
Posts on this blog = 1
Twitter account at 157 posts (1 in 2013)
Delicious bookmarks at 782 (none in 2013)
Evernote notes at 1,572 (354 in 2013)
Google+ (counting mechanism isn't obvious!)
Picasa photos (about 160 photos added in 2013)
Flickr photos (110 total photos, 50 added in 2013.  54 favorites.  18 followers.  Following 58 groups. )
Tumblr (30 total posts, 11 new in 2013.  Liked 10 posts.  3 followers.  Following 14 blogs.)
Pinterest (22 total pins on 10 boards, 13 new pins in 2013.  10 followers.  Following 8.)

Travel and Events:

And that's a wrap on 2013.