December 31st! Time for another annual summary and recap of the past year, 2012.

Monthly Notes from using PmWiki:
Books read this year: 126 (tracked by Shelfari )

Web Tools Stats:
Wiki pages at 399 (24 in 2012)
Posts on this blog = 4
Twitter account at 156 posts (16 in 2012)
Delicious bookmarks at 782 (1 in 2012 as I'm switching to Evernote for saving URLs)
Evernote notes at 1,218 (424 in 2012)
Google+ (counting mechanism isn't obvious!)
Picasa photos (85 photos, 63 added in 2012)
Flickr photos (60 photos, none added in 2012)
Tumblr (new in 2012, 19 posts)
Pinterest (new in 2012, 9 pins on 9 boards)

Travel & Events:
And that's a wrap on 2012.