US Business on Data Disaster - Recovery

U.S. business executives may be a bit overly optimistic in their estimates of the impact a major data disaster would have on their operations. A survey sponsored by data storage firm EMC indicates that only 14% of senior business executives regard their company's data as very vulnerable, compared to 52% of senior IT executives. And only 9% of business execs said it would take three days or more to get back to normal following a data disaster, compared with 23% of tech executives. 'Our customers tell us that their greatest challenge isn't backing up their information -- it's recovering and resuming operations in a timely manner. We don't believe U.S. business leaders are being misled by their IT teams. Instead, it is likely a misperception that, if the data is backed up, there is no issue,' says an executive VP for EMC. Meanwhile, European executives were more in synch with their IT counterparts regarding the likely vulnerability of their data -- 40% of business executives and 44% of technology executives regarded their data as very vulnerable. (CNet 11 Jul 2003) "