A security course in 12 slides!

Sometimes a simple visual message, even with tongue firmly in your cheek, can powerfully convey a multi-faceted message. Information security has many important messages and lessons for good security. Jim Rapoza's 12 Ways to Be A Security Idiot is a clever on-screen slide show with important messages about:

  1. Firewalls

  2. Laptop security and data encryption

  3. Internet access from "anywhere"

  4. Anti-virus protection

  5. Phishing sites

  6. Too good to be true schemes

  7. Danger in email attachments

  8. Passwords

  9. Operating system and application patches

  10. The Web as playground

  11. Open wireless networks

  12. Trusting soul in social engineering
"Jim Rapoza ranted about how most viruses and computer security problems are made possible by stupid people doing stupid things with their computers. Unfortunately, things haven't changed much since then. So if you're feeling left out, read Jim's list of 12 ways to join the ranks of the attachment-opening, virus-downloading masses. "